Kathryn H. Thompson, Ph.D., RDN
Kathryn H. Thompson is a professor emerita in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the College of Osteopathic Medicine, University of New England. She received her Ph.D. in Nutritional Biochemistry from Cornell University. She is a registered dietitian and teaches biochemistry and nutrition in the medical school. Her research interests include active learning pedagogies in nutrition and medical education.
Clinical Affiliations
Board Certifications and Licenses
Post-Doctoral Training
Oregon Health Sciences University (Portland, Oregon)
Selected publications
Linda Van Horn, Carine M Lenders, Charlotte A Pratt, Bettina Beech, Patricia A Carney, William Dietz, Rose DiMaria-Ghalili, Timothy Harlan, Robert Hash, Martin Kohlmeier, Kathryn Kolasa, Nancy F Krebs, Robert F Kushner, Mary Lieh-Lai, Janet Lindsley, Susan Meacham, Holly Nicastro, Caryl Nowson, Carole Palmer, Miguel Paniagua, Edward Philips, Sumantra Ray, Suzanne Rose, Marcel Salive, Marsha Schofield, Kathryn Thompson, Jennifer L Trilk, Gwen Twillman, Jeffrey D White, Giovanna Zappalà, Ashley Vargas, Christopher Lynch, Advancing Nutrition Education, Training, and Research for Medical Students, Residents, Fellows, Attending Physicians, and Other Clinicians: Building Competencies and Interdisciplinary Coordination, Advances in Nutrition, Volume 10, Issue 6, November 2019, Pages 1181–1200, http://doi.org/10.1093/advances/nmz083
Spicer, Douglas B., Kathryn H. Thompson, Michelle S. Tong, Tina M. Cowan, Tracy B. Fulton, and Janet E. Lindsley. “Medical Biochemistry Without Rote Memorization: Multi-Institution Implementation and Student Perceptions of a Nationally Standardized Metabolic Map for Learning and Assessment.” Medical Science Educator, October 24, 2018. http://doi.org/10.1007/s40670-018-00631-y.
LeClair, Renée J., Kathryn H. Thompson, and Andrew P. Binks. “A Universal Guide to Transitioning Didactic Delivery into an Active Classroom.” Medical Science Educator, 2018, 1–8. http://doi.org/10.1007/s40670-018-0599-1.
Lindsley, JE., EE Abali, BT Bikman, SD Cline, T Fulton, B Lopez, OD Rosenthal, VE Uhley, RJ Weintraut, DP Williams, JJ Wisco and K Thompson. “What Nutrition-Related Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes Should Medical Students Develop?” Medical Science Educator 27, no. 4 (December 2017): 579–83. http://doi.org/10.1007/s40670-017-0476-3.
Other scholarly activity
Book Chapter
Thompson, Kathryn H. Nutrition and Aging. Gerontology for the Health Care Professional 4thrd ed. ed by. Robnett, RH, Brossoie, N and Chop, W. Jones and Bartlett Learning 2020