Clubs and organizations

Addiction Medicine Club
Addiction Medicine Club raises awareness among future physicians regarding substance use disorders and addiction through collaborative events with other student organizations and hosting speakers from the field to share their experiences.
National Affiliation: American Osteopathic Academy of Addiction Medicine (AOAAM)

Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons – Student Chapter
The UNE COM chapter of the Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons (AMOPS) caters to the needs of all Health Professions Scholarship Program students from all three military branches. AMOPS connects members to the national organization and provides updates to requirements of military training, applications to military residency programs, and engagement opportunities surrounding Veteran's Day and community outreach for Maine veterans.
National Affiliation: COM Student Chapter of AMOPS

Integrative Medicine Club
Integrative Medicine Club promotes and supports student interest in modern and traditional healing modalities that augment the holistic practice of osteopathic medicine, and encourage students to regularly engage in activities that bolster their own health and wellbeing.

New England Research Club
The New England Research Club promotes student research opportunities at UNE COM and affiliated institutions. The club introduces students to new and continued research opportunities, connects students with faculty and other possible research mentors, provides support in the application and grant writing process, and provides tips for successful applications.

Public Health Club
The Public Health Club inspires and engages others in the importance and urgency of public health issues as they apply to medicine. Members focus on concerns such as access to health information for people within the local community.
Student Doctors for Health Equity
Student Doctors for Health Equity provides the opportunity for UNE COM students to promote progressive political reform at both the local and national level by encouraging political participation in the form of voter engagement, community outreach, and education through civil discussion with politicians, scientists, and physicians. In this way, Student Doctors for Health Equity provides a platform for students to advocate for themselves, their colleagues, communities, and future patients.

Student Government Association
The Student Government Association (SGA) is a representative body whose membership is comprised of members of the on-campus COM student body. In addition to the president, vice president, secretary/treasurer, and alumni representative of each class, 15 representatives are elected to a term that spans the academic year. Each member of the SGA serves on at least two of its standing committees. The SGA meets twice monthly and meetings are open to all who are interested in attending.

Simulation Medicine Club
Simulation Medicine Club works to provide opportunities for students at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine to practice their clinical assessment, diagnosing, and procedural skills through high-fidelity medical simulations.

Wilderness Medicine Club
Wilderness Med Club strives to educate students on how wilderness medicine can be integrated into daily lives and future practices while also providing unique educational experiences directed towards techniques used in the backcountry. The club invites physicians who have experience practicing medicine in remote situations to come and talk to members about their careers, clinical scenarios and techniques, and 4th year rotations and fellowships in Wild Med.
National Affiliation: Wilderness Medicine Society

World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine – Student Chapter
The World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine's (WADEM) focus is to learn about planning and preparing for disasters, as well as what to do in a disaster situation. Members have the opportunity to hear from physicians who have backgrounds in disaster medicine and EMS. The club welcomes members who are interested in any and all specialties and provides a number of educational, volunteer, and training opportunities.
National Affiliation: World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine